Friday, April 18, 2008

Once a spag upon a fish (Marcus)

Ah what a beautiful Friday. Friday is always beautiful no matter the weather when all four classes are done and nothing but the weekend lies ahead. Today however was warm - around 23 according to my computer - Sunny(As sunny as it gets with the smog) - a nice breeze and well, just a pleasant day all round.

Friday is my busiest teaching day of the week. I have 2 classes in a row in the morning - my earliest start of the week, 10:20am(ahhh I remember once upon a time having to get up around 7am - I can't believe people still do that.) - then a 2 hour break and another 2 classes. While they're spaced out, four classes in one day is always very tiring. I think I might get a massage tonight to help deal with it :)

So anyway I'm walking back from my last class and I stop atop the zigzag anti-spirit bridge to look at the fish who still seem to be suffering from a lack of oxygen. One thing I didn't notice the other day was just how BIG some of them are - whatever these things are, there's some absolute monsters in there. They're not moving much - just sort of hanging there in place with their mouths occasionally poking out of the water to try and get air. I have seen a few dead ones floating around, with the smaller goldfish pecking at them - fish are lovely creatures.

So as I am standing there - partially wondering how the fish are, partially marveling at how large some of them are - and partially just enjoying being out in the beautiful weather, along comes some Chinese man I haven't seen before and stops about a metre from me; probably interested to see what I was looking at.

He makes no attempt to talk to me, and I don't look at him, but we both stand there in silence, looking at the fish below.

After a few minutes had passed - to the point where it would become uncomfortable if we didn't attempt some basic conversation - I was about to walk away when he ceremoniously hocks up a lovely phlegm ball then spits it down onto the fish. Ahh the Chinese. I am pretty sure he was trying to get the fish to react, and what better way than to spit a fat spag onto em!

Still, I'm now I'm back in the apartment enjoying a coffee and my lovely day continues. Thankfully I don't have the aversion to spit that Courtney does and in fact if the guy wasn't around.....well I'll just leave that open and out there.

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