Tuesday, March 25, 2008

She's still sick! :( (Marcus)

Poor Courtney is still sick. She sounds worse than Marge from the Simpson's. She has a cough she can't kick which is in turn giving her a really sore throat. Mr Pan took us up the street last night to get her some Chinese medicine for it; which she has been taking, but unfortunately she's still very sick. She's also very tired from crappy night's sleeping with the constant coughing. On top of that she was thoroughly blocked up, but I rubbed some Vix onto her chest which I think helped.

Today I banned her from teaching. I had her call Mr Pan to tell her she was too sick to teach, and for him to hear that her voice was in fact worse than it was yesterday. She really shouldn't have taught yesterday when she was already not well.

I doubt she will pull up fine tomorrow and if not, she will not teach again. Mr Pan will also take her to see a doctor - and i told him that this time it must be the best place - ie one of the cities hospitals. She likely has some kind of throat infection or somesuch. We still have penicillin from when she was sick a week or two ago so that will come in handy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am actually very worried about Courtney. I am sorry but it is a Mother's prerogative. See a doctor please. I love the photo of you Marcus, it is cute.