Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh by the way (Marcus)

And we thought we had it bad over summer with mosquitoes...

I was reading over on Wuxilife, the local expat forum around here, someone was looking for the contact details for some exterminators because they are having 'issues' with rats. 'Issues' being, they are living on the 27th floor and are having to put out rat-traps every single night, killing at least 1-2 rats per night.

Now rat's aren't just an annoyance, they're disgusting disease-carrying vermin. I could not think of anything worse than having a plague of them in our building - give me mass mosquitoes any day!

Then again, how the hell are they getting up to the 27th floor? They must have superb climbing skills....

Speaking of rats, when we were walking through Lijiang at night, I glanced into one store and all the women in it suddenly sprang to the back of the shop. I saw a rat scurry across - movie-style. A man then attempted and failed to slay it with a broom-handle. Ahh rats...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nothing like a good old rats arse or two to sperr one along just lucky they can't fly or you would wreck your mossie rackets. Sleep well and enjoy those last days of teaching your working ends and mine starts in a week now thats a Big Rats Arse i say.