Sunday, February 24, 2008

Video redux

Ok I have read up and I think I have worked out how to first upload to Youtube and then embed it in this blog. After all the mucking around and actually watching the video, I think it was hardly worth it anyway!

Well here it is - this is the main courtyard/quadrangle/I dont know what you would call it of the Tian Yi school. The buildings that surround this main area are all teaching buildings. Beyond them on one side are the residence buildings, and on another side, administration offices and god knows what else. The place is huge, that much is certain and there's rarely anyone around. Though today at one stage we went driving with Mr Pan and there were people absolutely everywhere.

It's always funny when there's people en masse here, as they just walk where they please. It never occurs to them to make room for a car to come through or anything. If you are driving a car, you basically have to just push through while beeping your horn.

The horn here is a completely different device from that of western countries - well Australia anyway. Here people beep their horns and beep them often and the only reaction I have seen is maybe a vague quick look at the person to see what they want. No anger. No road-rage. It's basically saying, HERE I AM, or LOOK OUT I AM COMING THROUGH. It's extremely amusing though witnessing what goes on on the roads. After a mere few days we feel a lot more comfortable with them. Havent seen any form of accident yet, but i can see where the supposed 50+ deaths a day road toll supposedly comes from.


Anonymous said...

Could someone please verify whether that worked or not, it doesn't look like it did from my angle,


Anonymous said...

yes, it worked well. Some more please. Love mum x