Thursday, August 21, 2008

Special guest star blog post (Nick!)

Well, this is my first blog and first time in China and wow, what an experience ! I have to admit that I was slightly jetlagged when I landed after a 12 hour flight and crossing 7 timezones and the heat and pace of the place really amazed me. The temperature is hot hot hot and it is that really humid, wet type of heat.

I jumped on the Maglev train from the airport and quickly was hammering into Shanghai at 430kmh (incredibly fast !) to meet Marcus and Courtney downtown. Great to see the boy and girl after way too long and they gave me a guided tour of a main shopping area of Shanghai. And then on a train and into Wuxi and the Tian yi school which I too am briefly calling atm. The apartment is lovely and the school grounds well manicured and spacious however the marching school cadets could be heard before they were seen and when they march past are quite a sight ! We had a brilliant chinese dinner down at the local and a few of the cold "mons" beers (the best beer I have ever tasted !). We spent yesterday in Wuxi which is an amazing town and I loved the temple market area with all the stalls and yeap, you guessed it, chinese temples, which looked great. After dark the place really lights up like a big Xmas tree and was an amazing sight to see.

Today I must depart after my short trip to Wuxi, but its been fantastic to see Marcus and Courtney and a very rewarding albeit brief stopover. A trip I wills always remember !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,

This post is a bit late, but as they say, better late than never. I am Courtney's Mum and it has been a pleasure meeting albeit on a web page. I like to think that Courtney's Dad and I will get to meet you in the near future.

Kind regards Helen