Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Interesting occurances (Marcus)

Well as expected, we are feeling better today but we are still feeling somewhat...let's say feisty about the staring thing WITHIN the school grounds. I mean come on, on the streets I can understand it. With the students, I can partly understand it but it's not so much of an issue, but with other teachers or today - the damned kitchen staff...come on, enough already. Out in the streets chances are they have not seen us before, but in the bloody canteen?? They have no excuse, they see us almost every day!!

Anyway, I have noticed two things of late:

Firstly, since the weather has kicked into high gear, the air has been strangley clear. I have no idea why this is so but I am curious to know the reason for it. I suspect that the hot causes the air to rise faster and in turn potentially carries the smog off before it can settle in the area. Who knows, maybe somewhere like Korea or Japan is enjoying Wuxi's local smog. It has been nice to walk around and actually see a considerable distance. The place looks so infinitely nicer(although not that nice I'll add) when the sky is clear. There have been such rarities as blue skies and wait for it, CLOUDS! Yes, cloud patterns and nice sunsets. A pity it is so stinking hot it's difficult to appreciate them.

And secondly, with the high temperatures have been a distinct decline in mosquitoes. There was a night of hardcore mossie action a few nights back, but beyond that there have been really few of them around. Tonight I don't think I have seen a single one! Outside our front door on the roof there have been tens of them up on the roof , but now, practically empty. Perhaps they have a perfect living temperature, and if it's too hot even they cant handle it. I guess this baking weather has it's upsides afterall though I think if I had to choose, i'd take cooler weather and mosquitoes over feeling like I am constantly being cooked.

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