Thursday, January 8, 2009

Life after China!

Yes yes, Team Wuxi is go! remains Team Wuxi is closed.....but, we have decided to start another project.

We spent too long in the country and both maintain such a vested interest(possibly even growing), that shelving our experience and filing it away as history is simply not an option. So without further ado.....We would like to present you with our new blog project:

Life after China details our continuing thoughts on how we feel about this ever-changing, very interesting country. Prior to our leaving, and possibly even moreso since our return, we were always keeping an eye on China. Through news articles, documentaries, travel literature, you name it, both of us could probably say it's the subject that most captures our attention.

Almost daily we come across articles or similar that has us cracking up over something Chinese. Something we have most likely seen ourselves or can relate to.

Our new blog will be a combination of our thoughts on random topics mostly relating to China and/or the Chinese. Occasionally we'll throw a 'we're doing this!' thing in there, but we're really not up to anything so interesting at the moment that journaling our own day to days is worth it.

So if you happen to see this post - feel free to stop over at Life after China and take a look!

Marcus & Court!

-note - we've relocated to as it appears to be a much more fully featured blog platform that blogger is/was.

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